


My name is Sudo. I’m a 4,000 y/o skinwalker who breached containment short of a month ago and now reside here. I’m a big fan of horror, art in many forms, and challenging puzzles. I’m clinically insane (self-diagnosed) and have been cursed since a very young age to live out my days not knowing what it’s like to be human. I have the shell of one, but since I have been dammed by my creators I can neither love nor be loved in the capacity humans can. I do not feel like I am missing out though because I can not long for a concept I never understood to begin with. Instead I find the joys in life are to be and go beyond the principals of what can and can’t be done. My philosophy is, while life may have no apparent meaning, you can create your own meaning and do what makes you happy.
I first fell in love with horror when I was just a wee lad. I was shown a lot of scary movies, some of them mediocre at best, while others stood out for doing what other horror films fail to do (especially given how often jumpscares and religious symbolism are used). Silent Hill and Saw are two that were very unique to me during that time, and while it took me incredibly way too long to rewatch them, I'm glad that I did because it made me fall back in love with horror and even helped me discover a whole new side of the genre with things like ARGs and analog horror (though I do also wanna shoutout puppetcombo since disovering him really inspired me to create rather than just consume horror media).
Besides that, I'm just a simple creature.